My Evolving Journey of Learning



Throughout my life I have been fascinated

by every aspect of our self expression... 


By the observing and studying of myself and humanity I have learnt  

how to understand our emotional behaviour and how we

communicate within ourselves and with each other...  


My own journey of self discovery in this life has taken me

through personal trauma, and overwhelming

and joyous emotional experiences.  

Learning to work with the universal energies,

has taught me how to be responsible

and accountable for myself....


Within the understanding of life experiences,

l have embraced my learning of humanity

and its behavioural patterns. 


I feel we are all totally unique within our

individuality, and each of us are on

our souls journey within our lives.


I have worked with clients from all over

the world for the past 25 years as a

Transformational Healer, Consultant and Teacher.


Each of my clients is unique on their journey of self discovery in this life.




 Our Deepest Fear     


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate

our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.


Your playing small, does not serve the world

there's nothing enlightened about shrinking,

so that other people won't feel insecure around you


And as we let our own light shine

we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear

our presence automatically liberates others.


Often quoted as

Part of Nelson Mandela's 

Inaugural speech

By Marianne Williamson 




Copyright © 2016 Jane March. All rights reserved.